Are you looking to transform your outdoor space with newly planted trees? Bare Roots Landscaping can help create a healthy and breathtakingly vibrant outdoor space. Our tree planting service includes:

  • Thoroughly assessing the site to determine the best location to ensure the tree’s growth and longevity
  • Selecting tree species that are perfect for you, your soil, climate and aesthetic preferences
  • Planting your tree using the proper techniques

Following the planting of a new tree, Bare Roots Landscaping will help guide you on proper tree care and maintenance. We will also provide watering schedules and information about proper mulching and pruning (if necessary). By incorporating new trees into your landscaping plan, you not only enhance the beauty and ecological value of your property but you also contribute to long-term environmental sustainability.

Popular Trees for the Midwest

  • Crab Apple: Crab apples, also known as a Malus, are one of the most beautiful and easiest to care for trees that thrive in the Midwest. There are disease-resistant varieties, so make sure you do your research before purchasing to make the right choice for you, your yard and your landscaping design.
  • Japanese Tree Lilac: Japanese Tree Lilacs are low-maintenance trees that rarely suffer from diseases and don’t require regular pruning. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil. Their white flowers bloom in the spring and are beautiful and fragrant.
  • Pagoda Dogwood: Also known as Cornus Alternifolia, Pagoda Dogwood tress are a gardener’s favorite. They are very ornamental and have an average height and spread of 15 to 25 feet. They have fragrant clusters of white flowers that bloom in the spring. They thrive in full sun or partial shade and enjoy moist, rich soil.
  • Serviceberry: Serviceberry trees are beautiful all year round. After blooming in the spring, their leaves change to shades of orange and red in the fall. Their trunk offers a beautiful ornamental gray bark throughout the winter.
  • Northern Red Oak: The Northern Red Oak is the fastest growing oak tree. They are highly tolerant of different soil types and can grow up to 80 feet tall. They are the most beautiful in the autumn, with orange, brown and red foliage.
  • Concolor Fir: Concolor firs are loved for their soft needles and strong pine fragrance. This tree offers a home for many animals such as squirrels and birds. They can grow to reach 50 feet tall and 15 feet wide.”

Transform Your Outdoors with Bare Roots Landscaping

At Bare Roots Landscaping, we believe that a beautifully designed landscape can transform any outdoor space into a personal oasis. From lush gardens to elegant patios, we bring your vision to life with expert craftsmanship and creativity.

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